
Saints row gentlemen of the row
Saints row gentlemen of the row

So if you think you're familiar with the game, don't be surprised if something new and zany happens in these videos. This mod not only fixes these problems but also adds in a slew of new content, such as new clothing options, new skins for your gang members, and modified weapons. The port is notorious for crashing frequently, mistakenly thinking USB devices are controllers, stuttering/lagging, running at almost twice the normal speed, and for missions just straight up not appearing in the game at all! Not all hope is lost though, as Idol Ninja took it upon himself to fix the game with the mod " Gentlemen of the Row". Sadly, not even this game is without its flaws- the biggest problem being that the PC port was outsourced and is nigh unplayable. We're just trying to have fun and we hope that everyone else has fun by proxy.

saints row gentlemen of the row

That's not to say we're going to talk during the cutscenes, actively spoil the game in the videos, or that we aren't going to show off absolutely everything we can- but for the both of us this is our favorite Saints Row and we're largely just reveling in the craziness of it all and playing around with mods. We're probably not going to crack down real hard on spoilers. I'll point out anything I feel might need a little explaining, but if you'd like to learn for yourself feel free to check out this great LP of the first game by Edna Mode. There's some references here and there but there's very little you can't infer by putting two and two together. With a game as unstable as this, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't hoping for spectacular things to come.įor the most part it's safe to go into this game not knowing anything about the first game. My good friend Panzer Skank will be joining me on this adventure because not only is she fun to play video games with, but through some eldritch magicks she always manages to somehow break every game she touches. It's a perfect little world encapsulated in a video game and it's time to tear that world a new one. The characters are interesting, the city feels alive, and the story has such an unmatched blend of being ridiculous, dark, and still managing to feel grounded in reality (barring a few extreme examples). But when the game got a sequel and had a chance to grow into its own personality it was a beauty to behold. It felt like it was trying too hard to emulate something it wasn't meant to be. The main problem, to me, is that it didn't have much character.

saints row gentlemen of the row

When the first game came out I didn't look at it as much more than a Grand Theft Auto knockoff, and after trying it out for myself years later my suspicions were mostly confirmed.

Saints row gentlemen of the row