
Game maker change resolution
Game maker change resolution

game maker change resolution game maker change resolution

This can later be changed but I think it’s very important to have a basic idea. Whenever I start a new project the first thing I do is decide what resolution/size I want the game to be. Now that you understand the application surface, we will come back to it in a second. So as the documentation states, even if you aren’t setting up surfaces, GameMaker has a default surface that it draws your game onto, named “application surface.” This surface is basically a blank “canvas” that can then later be manipulated before being drawn to the screen when needed, and in most cases GameMaker: Studio handles this for you In the normal draw events, GameMaker: Studio doesn’t actually draw directly to the screen, but rather draws to a surface called the application surface. GameMaker’s documentation says it best so I’m just going to quote it: Surfaces are like canvases which GameMaker draws your game or whatever you tell it to draw, then displays that canvas on the screen.

Game maker change resolution